Bone Grafting for Implants
Do I Have Enough Bone?
A bone graft placed immediately following the extraction of a tooth will generally help to maintain the width and volume of bone you will need for the placement of an implant several months later. A graft can also be placed to rebuild lost bone structure at a site where a tooth was removed in the past.
1. Inadequate Bone
2. Graft Material Placed
3. Implants Placed
Bone grafting is a common office procedure. Many different bone-grafting materials are available. Many patients ask about the possible need to harvest bone from another site on their body (donor site). Fortunately most situations do not require the use of your own bone.
1. Inadequate Bone
2. Graft Material and Implant Placed
You may also need bone grafting if your sinus cavities extend into the tooth-bearing areas. This often occurs when teeth in the back of a person’s upper jaw have been removed many years before and the amount of bone available for implant placement is limited. A “sinus lift procedure” is then required. During this procedure, the membrane that lines the sinus will be located and elevated. A graft is then be placed to ensure that dental implants of an adequate length can be placed. This procedure can sometimes be performed at the time of implant placement.
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